Thursday, October 31, 2019
Deontological Versus Teleologica Ethical Systems Essay
Deontological Versus Teleologica Ethical Systems - Essay Example This is because the helper injected the patient out of good intentions and the overdose could just be a result of misunderstanding the instructions given or forgetting them. Since the consequences of an action are of less importance, the system is deontological. Utilitarianism Unlike ethical formalism, the utilitarian system judges the moral worth of an action basing on its consequences. Therefore, a good action is that which results in the greatest benefits for the greatest number. This system seeks consistency with the belief that human nature seeks to avoid pain while maximising pleasure (Pollock, 2004). Because of this, people should always act ways that yield the greatest good/benefits verses to evil for all persons concerned. A notorious thief can be hanged so that the residents of the place can learn from it and have peace as well. It is not justifiable to hang a thief but this injustice is outweighed by the positive consequences achieved by all the town residents. The system is therefore teleological. Religion In the religious system, the moral worth of an action is judged in relation to its conformity certain beliefs. These beliefs provide religious ethics that direct and guide on how people should live. The authority of these ethics, particularly among the Christians and the Jews comes from a wilful and a rational God. For the believers, God is perfect and thus his authority is unquestionable and is not subject to further examination. Therefore, a good action is that which conforms to the will of God. For example, one should not steal even if the food was meant to save a dying person. The similarity between this system and ethical formalism is that the consequences of an action bears little weight and therefore this system is deontological.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Slashing Prices, Stabbing Backs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Slashing Prices, Stabbing Backs - Essay Example Wal-Mart has been successful in perpetuating their elitist position through the manipulation of media outlets, political groups, and public policy organizations. They have continually pursued a conflict of interest course by donating money to those that are supposed to produce an unbiased report on them. On a local level, they have used contacts with other elitists, and political corruption to gain favorable zoning ordinances for their stores. Public policy is often cheated by research on Wal-Mart that is financed by Wal-Mart. These are typical examples of the transgressions made by the power elite as they seek to dominate the lower classes. Wal-Mart has brought significant harm to the middle and lower classes. They have exploited gender as well ethnicity in their quest for control. They reveal their own stand when Sally Pipes, a reporter with a financial interest in Wal-Mart, defends the company against a charge of sex discrimination by claiming, "The case against Wal-Mart, [...] follows the standard feminist stereotype of women as victims, men as villains and large corporations as inherently evil" (qtd. Barbaro & Strom, 2006). The reply makes it obvious that they see the world through the lens of strata domination. Meanwhile, Wal-Mart exploits the working class by exporting vast numbers of manufacturing jobs.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Private Lives of Celebrities
Private Lives of Celebrities The first amendment gives U.S. citizens the right of press, and celebrities are exposed the most to people using this right. The press have spent their career trying to get their audiences the inside story of celebrities public and private lives. Celebrities should be able to keep their private lives safe and out of the press. Being in the spotlight itself can have a negative effect on celebrities. Celebrities have had negative psychological effects due to being in the spotlight of the media, paparazzi, and their fans.According to Dr. Christina Villarreal, celebrities suffer no privacy, lost sense of self, loss of challenges, imposter syndrome the feeling of being an imposter because one does not feel they deserve their success and the quest for media spotlight immortality.Celebrities end up in a negative state of mind about themselves or have no privacy outside of their homes or have the fear of fading away in the eye of the media.Jennifer Lawrence was quoted, I knew the paparazzi were going to be a reality in my life. . . . But I didnt know that I would feel anxiety every time I open my front door, or that being chased by 10 men you dont know, or being surrounded, feels invasive and makes me feel scared and gets my adrenaline going every day. (Should Celebrities Have Privacy? A Response to Jennifer Law rence)Anxiety is distress or uneasiness of mind caused by fear of danger or misfortune, which Lawrence was quoted having just from opening her front door. Jennifer Lawrence suffers from anxiety from lack of privacy outside of her home. Lawrence isnt the only celebrity, and isnt the only one who suffers from lack of privacy just because their . No human should suffer from their job. There are laws about taking pictures about normal everyday people.In some states you can not take pictures or personal information of people without their permission, which does not seem to have any effect on the paparazzi.Missouri recognizes three separate types of violations of the right of privacy pertinent to photography: intrusion upon seclusion, public disclosure of private facts, and misappropriation of a persons identity. (Legal Issues In Photographing People) Missouri is one of the states that have regulations on photographing and the private information of the ordinary person. According to Legal Issues in Photographing People, In the state of Missouri, photographer will be liable in a civil action if he or she takes a photograph of a person and in doing so violates that persons right of privacy, takes and uses a photograph of a well-known person, or be held responsible for trespass if he or she onto the property of another without permission to take a photograph of a person even if the photographer could have taken the same photograph from public property. There are specific regulations that any photographer needs to follow when taking pictures of people. Celebrities deserve to be treated like any other person on the street, though for celebrity photographs it seems the paparazzi and press have put regulations aside. Celebrities private lives might peek interest in the press, media, and the public eye, but that doesnt given anyone the right to intrude to get the pictures and stories of celebrities private lives. There is still the debate of rather or not the first amendment protects press and paparazzi showing and telling the private lives of celebrities. The right to press and the right to speech are both given to us American citizens, though never says the photography is part nor a need of either one of those.Newspapers and books are speech, yet they are sold too. What if one wanted to sell a non-consensual photo taken of a Congressperson caught red-handed in a crime? We would likely not want to restrict that. Maybe we can limit the law to non-consensual photos that are not of legitimate public concern (Should Celebrities Have Privacy? A Response to Jennifer Lawrence). Professor Solove mentions that the limit of non-consensual photographs, when not legitimately a concern to the public eye, coul d be limited. In all reality non-consensual pictures with no true public concern should be limited. Former Friends star, Jennifer Aniston, found herself unknowingly baring it all back in 1999 when she was sunbathing topless in her own backyard. An overzealous photographer decided to scale her neighbors fence and take pictures of Aniston using a high-powered lens. He then sold the photos and they were eventually published in several magazines (10 Times When the Paparazzi Truly Crossed the Line). Jennifer Anistons privacy was intruded on by the paparazzi, the fact she was in her backyard was no true public concern. The first amendment gives American citizens the right of speech and press, but if it is of no legitimate concern to the public photographs and stories taken without consent should not be okay. Celebrities shouldnt have to worry about the press or the paparazzi in their private lives. There have been a multitude of times where the press and the paparazzi have gone too far to get the story and/or picture of a lifetime.According to Camille Moore these are a few cases where paparazzi truly crossed the line. Chris Brown And Tori Spelling: While in two separate places and separate situations, the two celebrities were both victims of being in a car chase with the paparazzi and ending each with the respective celebrity crashing into a wall in an attempt to get away. Arnold Schwarzenegger: Schwarzenegger and his wife were boxed in the car they were driving by the paparazzi and were trapped for hours while the paparazzi took as many pictures as they could. Justin Bieber: In 2014, a photographer was killed after being struck by car while chasing a car he thought to belong to Bieber. Nicole Kidman: Kidman was hit by a paparazzo on his bike going 20 MPH when he could not stop fast enough after following Kidmans car. Lindsay Lohan: While trying to get a photograph of Lohan, a paparazzo sped through traffic and purposely crashed his car into hers. While not all paparazzi and photographers are this desperate to get their pictures, it does show that many have stepped the line and,in some cases, got themselves and/or others harmed. The story of Princess Dianas fatal run in with the paparazzi is perhaps the most tragic of them all. In 1997, Princess Diana and her friend, Dodi Fayed, were followed by a group of photographers. Although her driver attempted to lose the group, he lost control of the car and crashed in the tunnel. The crash resulted in the death of Princess Diana, Dodi Fayed, and the driver. (10 Times When the Paparazzi Truly Crossed the Line) The story of Princess Dianas death, and the fact that the paparazzi just stood and took pictures, is the ultimate proof that around the world celebrities private are put in harms way, causing worry about their lives away from the public. Many celebrities have been in harming or, in some unfortunate cases, fa tal outcomes with press. The private life of anyone should be one that is safe. The spotlight life of a celebrity can have negative effects on any and each celebrity. There are laws about taking pictures about normal everyday people, which should be followed for celebrities too. Celebrities private lives might peek interest in the press, media, and the public eye, but that doesnt given anyone the right to intrude to get the pictures and stories of celebrities private lives. Celebrities shouldnt have to worry about the press or the paparazzi in their private life. In conclusion, Celebrities should be able to have a private life that stays safe and private. Works Cited Gerdelman, Bernald W. Legal Issues in Photographing People |. St. Louis Divorce Attorney. Paule, Camazine Blumenthal, P.C., 09 May 2016. Web. 06 Feb. 2017. Moore, Camille. 10 Times When the Paparazzi Truly Crossed the Line. Celebrity Toob. Celebrity Toob, 28 July 2015. Web. 09 Feb. 2017. Solove, Daniel J. Should Celebrities Have Privacy? A Response to Jennifer Lawrence. TeachPrivacy. TeachPrivacy, 04 Aug. 2015. Web. 06 Feb. 2017. Villarreal, Christina. The Psychological Impact of Being in the Spotlight the Emotional Struggle of Celebrities. Dr. Christina Villarreal. Dr. Christina Villarreal, 26 Mar. 2010. Web. 02 Feb. 2017.
Friday, October 25, 2019
A Critical Analysis Of Tensions In Memorial A. H. H. :: essays research papers fc
A Critical Analysis of Tension's In Memorial A. H. H. à à à à à During the Victorian Period, long held and comfortable religious beliefs fell under great scrutiny. An early blow to these beliefs came from the Utilitarian, followers of Jeremy Bantam, in the form of a test by reason of many of the long-standing institutions of England, including the church. When seen through the eyes of reason, religion became ââ¬Å"merely an outmoded superstitionâ⬠(Ford & Christ 896). If this were not enough for the faithful to contend with, the torch of doubt was soon passed to the scientists. Geologists were publishing the results of their studies which concluded that the Earth was far older than the biblical accounts would have it (Ford & Christ 897). Astronomers were extending humanity's knowledge of stellar distances, and Natural Historians such as Charles Darwin were swiftly building theories of evolution that defied the Old Testament version of creation (Ford & Christ 897). God seemed to be dissolving before a panicked England's very eyes, replaced by the vision of a cold, mechanistic universe that cared little for our existence. à à à à à Alfred, Lord Tennyson was painfully aware of the implications of such a universe, and he struggled with his own doubts about the existence of God. We glimpse much of his struggles in the poem In Memorial A. H. H., written in memory of his deceased friend, Arthur Hallam. The poem seemed to be cathartic for Tennyson, for through its writing he not only found an outlet for his grief over Hallam's death, but also managed to regain the faith which seemed at times to have abandoned him. Tennyson regained and firmly reestablished his faith through the formation of the idea that God is reconciled with the mechanistic universe through a divine plan of evolution, with Hallam as the potential link to a greater race of humans yet to come. à à à à à In the first of many lyric units, Tennyson's faith in God and Jesus seems strong. He speaks of ââ¬Å"Believing where we cannot proveâ⬠(l. 4), and is sure that God ââ¬Å"wilt not leave us in the dustâ⬠(l. 9). The increasing threat posed to religion by science does not worry Tension here, as he believes that our increasing knowledge of the universe can be reconciled with faith, saying: à à à à à à à à à à ââ¬Å"Let knowledge grow from more to more, à à à à à à à à à à But more of reverence in us dwell; à à à à à à à à à à That mind and soul, according well, à à à à à à à à à à May make one music as beforeâ⬠(1. 25-28). He does anticipate doubt, though, as he asks in advance for God's forgiveness for the ââ¬Å"Confusions of a wasted youthâ⬠(l. 42).
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Educators and Philosophies of Education Essay
Thinkers of the ancient time are examples of treasures of the world that do not perish. Those philosophers who contribute to the every day living of each human being whether they are believers of Christianity or not, are really a pride of their eras since there are always events that apply the principles and theories they have established in their existence. There are many who prefer to live by the sayings and examples they have set, since people believe that they can have an easy life with these famous beliefs. In philosophy, it is not that easy to let someone believe what you say. It is an art to deliver them with integrity and compassion. Being someone of principles is something that is a bit difficult to achieve since we are humans who can break the rules that are set by the society or even by ourselves. There are many factors that should really be considered before we give something to others. Educators in turn shoulder this duty by disseminating the information to their pupils. I think, it is possible to teach these concepts if they have spent time thinking of the real meaning of each passage they will let their students learn. Of course, their purpose in standing in front of their students is to inculcate in them the knowledge and wisdom they opt to have depending on their ages, since learning also depends on the age and life experiences a person has. The art of teaching them with a purpose can be done if they will device an activity that they could insert the concept, say the concept of Socrates about materialism or so. It is an effective way of learning that someone enjoys what he/she is doing. In that way, the student can give at least sometime reflecting on the concepts they have heard or learned from the activity. Learning should be fun and should not be regarded as a burden since people live with the principles (that will serve as their foundations) they get from their childhood.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
2012 Olympics Article Analyses Essay
Picture, title and sub-title: The headline is reversed-out of a colour picture of villagers apparently transporting straw bales in preparation for the eccentric ââ¬Å"Olimpickâ⬠games celebrated in the Cotswold village of Chipping Campden. The use of the term ââ¬Å"Olimpicksâ⬠would appear to be a deliberate archaisms ââ¬â as it seems highly unlikely the Cotswold games were actually ever thus known. The strap byline attributes the story to a Mail staff reporter: ââ¬Å"John Carter visits the village with its own eccentric gamesâ⬠. Fact & Opinion: It is a fact that the second paragraph points to the origins of the Cotswold games in the early 17th Century ââ¬â thus anticipating ââ¬Å"Baron de Coubertinââ¬â¢s Olympic revival by 284 yearsâ⬠. Allegedly, the Cotswold games were started as a Whitsun celebration in 1612 by Robert Dover. The games consisted of quirky rustic pursuits like cock-fighting, coursing and shin-kicking! See more:à Capital budgeting essay These two-day games ran annually for ââ¬Å"250 yearsâ⬠before they were abandoned ââ¬Å"owing to the disorderly mobs which used to attend. The Cotswold games were revived in ââ¬Å"1951 for the Festival of Britainâ⬠and continue to this day. The Cotswold Olimpicks are staged at Doverââ¬â¢s Hill in the parish of Weston Sub Edge ââ¬â close to Chipping Campden. Doverââ¬â¢s Hill is described as a natural amphitheatre. Analysing words and phrases: The writer makes deliberate use of the phrase ââ¬Å"on tenterhooksâ⬠to evoke the anxiety of the London bid team, headed by Lord Sebastian Coe ââ¬â suggesting the term actually originated in the same Cotswold area. The idiom ââ¬Å"on tenterhooksâ⬠is thus taken to mean anxious, uneasy ââ¬â like the fabric stretched taut. Presumably, the reader is supposed to contrast the rustic, charming simplicity and eccentricity of the Cotswold games with the immensely slick corporate Olympic bidding venture. The description of the shin-kicking competition is described as taking place on the first Friday after Whitsuntide ââ¬â where a participant wearing hobnailed boots kicks the straw-padded shins of his opposition ââ¬â in a demonstration sport. The writer makes a final contrast in the final paragraph ââ¬â suggesting hat ââ¬Å"unlike the modern international Gamesâ⬠the Cotswold Olimpicks have never been subject to bribery and corruption. This possibly hints at the Daily Mailââ¬â¢s editorial stance; which was then sniffily agnostic towards the London bid on the grounds that the choice of host city was believed to be a corrupt, nepotistic and hugely expensive process. Nevertheless, the writer then concludes with a humorous aside that a farmer once had to be bribed with a bottle of whisky to remove his sheep from the Cotswold arena! Overall, this feature article shows an affectionate longing for the quirky, amateuristic eccentricity of English rural life and gently contrasts it with the glossy, expensive corporate bidding that comprises the modern Olympic bidding process. The language is largely complex, anachronistic and sprinkled with archaic terms and historical reference. The writer assumes a fair degree of prior knowledge ââ¬â of Pierre de Coubertin, King Jamesââ¬â¢ puritanical instincts etc. The sentences are flowery, long and elaborate ââ¬â perhaps suggesting a Mail-like hankering for times past!
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